Want a Career in Health and Wellness?

After I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I knew my calling was to share what I learned with others. I knew it was time for me to dedicate my work to helping others learn about their food and achieve amazing health. I wouldn’t change this for anything! I know many of you are feeling called to help others with their health and wellness too. I often get emails from others like this one…

I am a big fan ever since I came across your site and just like you have become interested in food and nutrition. I would like to learn more about holistic health and nutrition and be able to share information informing people about the truths of our food and make better choices; however I don’t know where to start. I thought about going back to school to learn more and become certified so I can actually be able to create a career out of it (figured people would rather receive info from someone with credentials) but, then I realized that is not the only way. What would you suggest? I’m just trying to see what my options are.”

Do you feel this way? Would you love a career in health and wellness?

Whether your calling is to work in wellness centers, doctor’s offices, gyms, spas, yoga studios, schools, private practices… or you want to write books, create products, open restaurants, teach, and start your own business… the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) Health Coach Training Program can help you get there!

IIN’s program teaches you how to nourish every aspect of your health and life, AND it teaches you how to launch a new career in health and wellness. You’ll get everything you need to start working with your own clients, and turn your passion for wellness into a career you love.

They provide online training, so you can work towards your certification from anywhere in the world and whenever you want!

Sign up for a free sample class here.

Inside the Sample Class you’ll learn:

  • What a Health Coach does and how they help people make lasting changes to their health and lifestyles
  • What to expect as a student at IIN
  • How IIN is leading the way to a healthcare revolution + incredible activities you can engage in!

The next training session begins soon so spring into a healthier, happier life by enrolling in the Health Coach Training Program with 30% off tuition or an Interest-Free monthly payment plan! (Plus, you’ll also receive IIN’s “3-Day Spring Detox Guide”!)

My Bonuses

If you enroll in the Health Coach Training Program at IIN right here, I will also give you access to my 14-Day Clean Eating program plus my 21-Day Reset Your Life program. This is the perfect compliment to your journey with IIN and will help make your life easier while you are in the program! And, you’ll get three-months worth of monthly meal plans, recipes, shopping guides, and resources to keep you looking and feeling your best. These bonuses are worth over $600! So, you’ll love these incredible bonuses!

If you are feeling scared about taking this step, I get it. I used to feel that way too. Throughout my life I have had some amazing people encouraging me to take the leaps of faith needed to keep growing. I want to be that person in your life. Remember, it is NEVER too late to find your calling. The community at IIN is one of the most supportive, enthusiastic groups of people I’ve ever seen, and everyone says that is one of the best parts of their program.

See for yourself! Check out the free sample class here.

If you know anyone who wants a career in health and wellness, send them this email and encourage them to go after their dreams!


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