How You Can Use Self-Belly Massage for Better Digestion and Stress Relief 

Massage is a powerful practice for improving circulation, removing unwanted toxins and calming the nervous system. The ancient Maya developed a type of massage specifically for the abdomen, other cultures utilize abdominal massage in their healing modalities also.  The benefits of abdominal massage are the same as regular massage, though they offer additional benefits forContinueContinue reading “How You Can Use Self-Belly Massage for Better Digestion and Stress Relief “

Happy New Year! Say hello to new opportunities!!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. With the beginning of a new year, we begin the year with a clean slate. “I like starting projects in January. That’s the best time to start something. It’s so inward.” – Carolyn Chute New Year! New You! A lot of people begin the NewContinueContinue reading “Happy New Year! Say hello to new opportunities!!”

If you’ve made a New Year Resolution to get healthy you’ve got to see this!!

Just imagine how it would feel if you could make 2023 the year that you: * Establish lasting, healthy habits that stick with you throughout the year * Lose weight almost effortlessly, without feeling hungry or deprived * Learn how to cook and eat a variety of delicious food * Have a community ready toContinueContinue reading “If you’ve made a New Year Resolution to get healthy you’ve got to see this!!”

Food Focus for December: Sweet Potatoes

Hey there! Happy Holidays! Let’s talk about something no one really likes talking about: Body type. Almost all of us have a distorted image of our body, often due to the importance our culture places on outwardappearance and the onslaught of media images of airbrushed models and celebrities. On a daily basis, we talkto ourselvesContinueContinue reading “Food Focus for December: Sweet Potatoes”

Vegan, Gluten-Free Chocolate Almond Butter Caramel Bars

This incredible vegan almond butter caramel bars with a yummy, crunchy chocolate cookie base with walnuts in the middle. These bars are naturally sweetened, gluten-free, and dairy free. An awesome, guilt-free snack!! Ingredients For the cookie base: 1 ¼ cup packed super fine blanched almond flour (I used Bob’s Red Mill) ¼ cup raw cacao powder 3 tablespoons melted and cooled unrefinedContinueContinue reading “Vegan, Gluten-Free Chocolate Almond Butter Caramel Bars”

October Food of the Month: Fall Vegetables

Hello October! I like to begin each month with a quote of the month. Quote of the Month The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. -Mark Twain This month we’re going to coverContinueContinue reading “October Food of the Month: Fall Vegetables”

September Food Focus: Natural Sweeteners

Hey all! Been busy and haven’t had a chance to post lately. Hope you all are doing well. Hope you had an awesome summer. Inspirational quote for the month Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. -Cicero Deconstructing Cravings The body is an amazing source of intelligence. It is always there for you, pumpingContinueContinue reading “September Food Focus: Natural Sweeteners”

3 Easy Steps to Greater Happiness

You deserve to be happy, but there are days when it’s easy to get sucked into negativity and despair. When nothing seems to go your way. When the craziness around you starts to influence your own thoughts. When you wish you were as awesome as so and so… There are a few simple strategies thatContinueContinue reading 3 Easy Steps to Greater Happiness

Food of the Week: Peaches

Happy July!! Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend. I’m getting back to blogging after taking some time off. Let’s start with one of my favorite Summer fruits…. Peaches!! 🍑What’s your FAVORITE way to eat peaches? They are considered a “stone fruit” and they get their name from the pit in their centers. ContinueContinue reading “Food of the Week: Peaches”

What are the Health Benefits of Basil?

🌿Basil Fun Fact: Did you know that basil has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for everything from colds to snakebites?! Nowadays though, it has earned a place of honor on spice racks across the world. The large-leaf green variety is used in Italian dishes like pesto … while Thai basil (which tastesContinueContinue reading “What are the Health Benefits of Basil?”