Are you surviving or thriving in today’s toxic world?

Environmental toxins can be found in what you eat, drink, breathe, feel and think. You may not be aware of toxins, but if you want to be healthy, being educated on the latest in toxins is a must! Chronic conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, may be associated with environmental toxins inContinueContinue reading “Are you surviving or thriving in today’s toxic world?”

9 Ways to Alleviate Acid Reflux Naturally

Since I was in my twenties I had stomach issues.  My physician who was treating me at the time, advised me that I have gastritis and that I need to learn how to handle my stress.  Easier said than done since I am a Type A personality and being Asian did not help…there was constantContinueContinue reading “9 Ways to Alleviate Acid Reflux Naturally”

What is the difference between blending and juicing?

Several of my clients have asked me what the difference is between blending and juicing.  In this first post, we will discuss the differences.   In my second and third post, we will discuss the differences between a blender (VitaMix), a juicer (Breville), and an extractor (NutriBullet), and we will compare brands. Blending Blending isContinueContinue reading “What is the difference between blending and juicing?”


Welcome to my blog!My name is Shaline Miller. I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition graduate, author, Raw Food Educator, and Certified NLP Practitioner. I am a Santa Ana Digestive Health Examiner at, and a featured health blogger for StoryI graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration withContinueContinue reading “Welcome!”