11 Small Steps to Take Back Your Health

Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, quit smoking, or join a health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health. “Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine,” says James O. Hill,ContinueContinue reading “11 Small Steps to Take Back Your Health”

Happy New Year! Say hello to new opportunities!!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. With the beginning of a new year, we begin the year with a clean slate. “I like starting projects in January. That’s the best time to start something. It’s so inward.” – Carolyn Chute New Year! New You! A lot of people begin the NewContinueContinue reading “Happy New Year! Say hello to new opportunities!!”

CBD and Hot Flashes (Plus other Symptoms of Menopause)

Going through the menopause is one of the hardest and dramatic changes any woman will ever have to go through with regards to the shift that is made by the reproductive system. The sometimes-unpleasant symptoms that are present when you are in the clutches of the menopausal phase are similar to those of puberty, exceptContinueContinue reading “CBD and Hot Flashes (Plus other Symptoms of Menopause)”

Want a Career in Health and Wellness?

After I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I knew my calling was to share what I learned with others. I knew it was time for me to dedicate my work to helping others learn about their food and achieve amazing health. I wouldn’t change this for anything! I know many of you are feeling calledContinueContinue reading “Want a Career in Health and Wellness?”

Why You Should Start Dry Body Brushing Today

Fast, effective, numerous health benefits – what’s not to love about dry body brushing in the morning? You may be thinking, Why do I need to add something else to my already busy morning routine? Let me assure you, the extra five minutes this takes is well worth the investment. Think back to your human biology classContinueContinue reading “Why You Should Start Dry Body Brushing Today”

Do you know what’s in your beauty products? The Government doesn’t!

Do you really know what went into the cleanser or lotion you slathered on your face this morning, or the body wash/soap you used in the shower? Many of the ingredients that go into beauty and skincare products in the U.S. are poorly understood. While the food and medicine that we consume are regulated byContinueContinue reading “Do you know what’s in your beauty products? The Government doesn’t!”

10 Mental Health Habits to Try in 2019

This article first appeared on MadebyHemp. 2018 was the year we saw a strong surge of mental health awareness. The public’s focus on health broadened to also include taking care of one’s mental and emotional health. People have finally realized that one of the keys to maintaining a healthy body is to have a healthyContinueContinue reading “10 Mental Health Habits to Try in 2019”

Book Review: Renegade Beauty by Nadine Artemis

I first met Nadine at a Women’s Wellness Conference four or five years ago in Costa Mesa, California.  I just love listening to her speak. She is very knowledgeable and she is  passionate about educating women about health and wellness. She is also the author of Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy TeethContinueContinue reading “Book Review: Renegade Beauty by Nadine Artemis”

11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health

Do you feel sluggish?  Do you feel pain? Maybe your lymphatic system is blocked. This next blog post is a continuation of my last post…I will elaborate more on Dr. John Douillard’s teachings. Dr. Douillard is author of the Three-Season Diet.     The lymphatic or lymph system is a complex network of fluid-filled tubesContinueContinue reading “11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health”

How to Oil Pull While Removing Toxins from Your Body

Have you heard of oil pulling? Perhaps you’ve heard a friend briefly discuss their success with oil pulling but you’re unsure about where to start? Read on for successful tips to oil pulling and the benefits behind this toxicity cleanser! First of all, what is oil pulling and what kind of oil do you use?ContinueContinue reading “How to Oil Pull While Removing Toxins from Your Body”