5 Plants That Can Help Purify Indoor Air

Do you want to clear the air in your home or office? The solution: Get some green plants. A recent study by researchers at the University of New York looked at common house plants and found that when it comes to removing harmful chemicals from the air, some are better than others.  Indoor air pollutionContinueContinue reading “5 Plants That Can Help Purify Indoor Air”

Do You Want Safer Beauty Products?!

Hello everyone!! I just received this email from the Environmental Working Group: “In my 12 years at EWG, our team has uncovered hundreds of questionable chemicals lurking in your cosmetics. From formaldehyde in hair treatments to endocrine disruptors in nail polish and even lead in lipstick, it seems the list of dangerous ingredients lurking inContinueContinue reading “Do You Want Safer Beauty Products?!”

Essential Oils Vs. Fragrance Oils

The other day I went to my local CVS to grab a few things and I came across the air freshener aisle.  I glanced at the essential oils.  Do you know that these essential oils are not essential oils?! They are fragrance oils. And these items come with a plugin diffuser! Have you noticed thatContinueContinue reading “Essential Oils Vs. Fragrance Oils”

11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health

Do you feel sluggish?  Do you feel pain? Maybe your lymphatic system is blocked. This next blog post is a continuation of my last post…I will elaborate more on Dr. John Douillard’s teachings. Dr. Douillard is author of the Three-Season Diet.     The lymphatic or lymph system is a complex network of fluid-filled tubesContinueContinue reading “11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health”

Are you surviving or thriving in today’s toxic world?

Environmental toxins can be found in what you eat, drink, breathe, feel and think. You may not be aware of toxins, but if you want to be healthy, being educated on the latest in toxins is a must! Chronic conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, may be associated with environmental toxins inContinueContinue reading “Are you surviving or thriving in today’s toxic world?”