Spring Detox Time!

This Detox System was created to fit your unique Nature. This system is not another one-size-fits-all fad approach that disrupts the balance of your health. This detox system was created to help balance your health by Dr. Kristine Jerome, an Ayurvedic practitioner who has over 20 years of Ayurvedic experience! Learn how to apply an Ayurveda detox toContinueContinue reading “Spring Detox Time!”

Do you know what your body type is?

    So, do you know what your body type (constitution) is? You may have heard about it from a friend who is a yoga instructor or from someone who studies Ayurveda.   What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the science of life. It is a lifestyle-based guide for creating and maintaining health in your body, mindContinueContinue reading “Do you know what your body type is?”

How to Oil Pull While Removing Toxins from Your Body

Have you heard of oil pulling? Perhaps you’ve heard a friend briefly discuss their success with oil pulling but you’re unsure about where to start? Read on for successful tips to oil pulling and the benefits behind this toxicity cleanser! First of all, what is oil pulling and what kind of oil do you use?ContinueContinue reading “How to Oil Pull While Removing Toxins from Your Body”