You can have it all in 21 days!

Hi Friend, Happy New Year! What could you do with three weeks? I can think of a few things. You could look for, get and start a new job at that time. You could find a new house and put in an offer on it. There are thousands of courses you could complete in threeContinueContinue reading “You can have it all in 21 days!”

Want a Career in Health and Wellness?

After I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I knew my calling was to share what I learned with others. I knew it was time for me to dedicate my work to helping others learn about their food and achieve amazing health. I wouldn’t change this for anything! I know many of you are feeling calledContinueContinue reading “Want a Career in Health and Wellness?”

Essential Oils Vs. Fragrance Oils

The other day I went to my local CVS to grab a few things and I came across the air freshener aisle.  I glanced at the essential oils.  Do you know that these essential oils are not essential oils?! They are fragrance oils. And these items come with a plugin diffuser! Have you noticed thatContinueContinue reading “Essential Oils Vs. Fragrance Oils”

11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health

Do you feel sluggish?  Do you feel pain? Maybe your lymphatic system is blocked. This next blog post is a continuation of my last post…I will elaborate more on Dr. John Douillard’s teachings. Dr. Douillard is author of the Three-Season Diet.     The lymphatic or lymph system is a complex network of fluid-filled tubesContinueContinue reading “11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health”

Do you know what your body type is?

    So, do you know what your body type (constitution) is? You may have heard about it from a friend who is a yoga instructor or from someone who studies Ayurveda.   What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the science of life. It is a lifestyle-based guide for creating and maintaining health in your body, mindContinueContinue reading “Do you know what your body type is?”

Who do you know who is still eating the SAD diet?

A little about my story…   My family – my mother’s side has a history of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and digestive issues.  My father had hemochromatosis and he passed away from a brain aneursym.  All of my mom’s brothers, sister, and grandmother had open heart surgery. I took after both sides of my parentsContinueContinue reading “Who do you know who is still eating the SAD diet?”

Recap of the Healthy Living Festival in Photos

Here is a recap of the Annual Healthy Living Festival that takes place at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego County.  I am a little late, the event was a couple weeks ago, but I finally finished downloading all of my photos.  There were lots of vendors with great products, cooking demos, speakers, andContinueContinue reading “Recap of the Healthy Living Festival in Photos”