Why You Should Start Dry Body Brushing Today

Fast, effective, numerous health benefits – what’s not to love about dry body brushing in the morning? You may be thinking, Why do I need to add something else to my already busy morning routine? Let me assure you, the extra five minutes this takes is well worth the investment. Think back to your human biology classContinueContinue reading “Why You Should Start Dry Body Brushing Today”

Dry Brushing: The Two-Minute Health Boost

Do you know? What organ receives one third of all circulating blood? When the liver is stagnant and a backflow of waste fills the blood, which organ bears the burden? What organ is the last in line for needed nutrients and the first to announce bodily imbalances and deficiencies?  Your skin! Our skin is the sentinelContinueContinue reading “Dry Brushing: The Two-Minute Health Boost”