Apple Kale Salad with Hemp Seeds

You’ll love this salad. Apples and kale are two of my favorite foods. So, I love pairing the two together in this delicious salad. Note: This recipe is taken from my Restore Your Gut Program! Many people consider hemp seeds a superfood. They have a rich nutritional profile and provide a variety of health benefits.ContinueContinue reading “Apple Kale Salad with Hemp Seeds”

How You Can Use Self-Belly Massage for Better Digestion and Stress Relief 

Massage is a powerful practice for improving circulation, removing unwanted toxins and calming the nervous system. The ancient Maya developed a type of massage specifically for the abdomen, other cultures utilize abdominal massage in their healing modalities also.  The benefits of abdominal massage are the same as regular massage, though they offer additional benefits forContinueContinue reading “How You Can Use Self-Belly Massage for Better Digestion and Stress Relief “

3 Ways to Relieve Constipation

Constipation is one of those topics that is uncomfortable to talk about and it is uncomfortable for your gut. Yes, constipation is the pits, and it happens to everyone at some point. When you transition from a typical diet, the Standard American Diet (SAD) into a clean eating gut rejuvenating type diet, you might experienceContinueContinue reading “3 Ways to Relieve Constipation”

5 Days to a Healthier Gut

Learn how to take charge of your “tummy” health in my FREE 5-Day Gut Health Challenge. Are you feeling tired, bloated, stressed, or maybe have weight gain/loss issues?  THESE COULD ALL BE SYMPTOMS OF A GUT PROBLEM. Your health begins in your Gut.  Did you know that your Gut is responsible for so many complex functionsContinueContinue reading “5 Days to a Healthier Gut”

8 Ways to Reduce Inflammation to Improve Gut Health

Maintaining a healthy digestive tract involves what you put into it…specifically what you are eating. If these foods you eat are inflammatory foods, they can cause havoc on your digestive tract. Food allergies such as allergies to gluten, wheat, and dairy to name a few, contribute to inflammation in the digestive tract as well as other partsContinueContinue reading “8 Ways to Reduce Inflammation to Improve Gut Health”

9 Reasons to Eat Fermented Foods

Hi! Happy September! This month I’d like to focus on gut health! You may have heard that all disease begins in the gut. And it’s really important to take care of your microbiome. After all, your gut is your second brain! So, let’s talk fermented foods. What are fermented foods?  You have probably heard of sauerkrautContinueContinue reading “9 Reasons to Eat Fermented Foods”

How’s your gut?

Hi there! I hope everyone had a great holiday! Now that the holidays are behind us, are you ready to begin the new year getting your health back on track? I struggled with gut issues for years. I had gas, bloating, constipation, gastritis, food sensitivities, and acid reflux. I know those issues very well andContinueContinue reading “How’s your gut?”

What Exercise Has to do with Gut Health

Exercise isn’t all about the physical. It goes far beyond muscle tone and calories burned. Exercise affects your whole body, including your gut. Professional athletes show a much more diverse micro biome than their non-exercising counterparts of similar age and weight. Moving your body helps stimulate the lymphatic system, the system that helps your bodyContinueContinue reading “What Exercise Has to do with Gut Health”

How Probiotics Can Help You

There’s been so much talk of probiotics lately. There are now thousands of studies touting the benefits these little invisible bacteria have for human health. It’s quite profound, and might even seem too good to be true until you experience it yourself. One of my client’s family has benefitted immensely since they started taking aContinueContinue reading “How Probiotics Can Help You”

It’s Giveaway Time!!!

Happy Belated New Year Everyone!!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.  So, anyway, to start the new year off, I am having a giveaway.  When you follow my blog, your name will be entered into a drawing for Dr. Josh Axe’s book, Eat Dirt.  This book has tons of information on gut health!!ContinueContinue reading “It’s Giveaway Time!!!”