Want a Career in Health and Wellness?

After I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I knew my calling was to share what I learned with others. I knew it was time for me to dedicate my work to helping others learn about their food and achieve amazing health. I wouldn’t change this for anything! I know many of you are feeling calledContinueContinue reading “Want a Career in Health and Wellness?”

Dr. Weil’s 5 Health Essentials

Dr. Weil believes food is the optimal medicine. He suggests eating an anti-inflammatory diet. More health practitioners are confirming that you are what you eat. Dr. Weil suggests that the Standard American Diet (SAD) promotes inflammation. The SAD gives the wrong kinds of fats, carbohydrates, and inflammation throughout the body. SAD is the root causeContinueContinue reading “Dr. Weil’s 5 Health Essentials”

7 Steps to Reducing Acid Reflux

How I alleviated my acid refluxMy JourneyFor years I’ve had digestive issues and I was on and off proton pump inhibitors.  It got to the point where the medication didn’t work.  You name the medication, I probably was prescribed it. I knew I had to make a change.I’ve always been interested in nutrition and enrolledContinueContinue reading “7 Steps to Reducing Acid Reflux”