Happy New Year! Say hello to new opportunities!!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. With the beginning of a new year, we begin the year with a clean slate. “I like starting projects in January. That’s the best time to start something. It’s so inward.” – Carolyn Chute New Year! New You! A lot of people begin the NewContinueContinue reading “Happy New Year! Say hello to new opportunities!!”

March Food Focus: Quinoa

March quote Proximity is power – Tony Robbins I’ve been super busy the past two weeks. I attended Tony Robbins’ virtual event, Unleash The Power Within. It was a phenomenal event and life changing. I want to share something with you that I learned from Tony. 5 Keys to Success Feed your mindFeed and strengthenContinueContinue reading “March Food Focus: Quinoa”

May Recipe of the Month: Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps

Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps   What do you do when all you want is a taco but you know it won’t help you get healthy? You eat one of these tasty Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps! These are a perfectly satisfying comfort food loaded with flavorful and filling chicken.   You don’t need to sacrifice yourContinueContinue reading “May Recipe of the Month: Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps”