CBD and Hot Flashes (Plus other Symptoms of Menopause)

Going through the menopause is one of the hardest and dramatic changes any woman will ever have to go through with regards to the shift that is made by the reproductive system. The sometimes-unpleasant symptoms that are present when you are in the clutches of the menopausal phase are similar to those of puberty, exceptContinueContinue reading “CBD and Hot Flashes (Plus other Symptoms of Menopause)”

Women Can Use CBD to Treat Menstrual Cramps

This article is originally written by Madeline Taylor of Sunday Scaries   Menstrual cramps are a problem that affects approximately half of the world population. Menstrual cramps manifest them with agonizing stomach and abdominal cramps for the duration that a woman menstruates. These will generally occur every menstruation cycle, so that can be up to 500 weeks ofContinueContinue reading “Women Can Use CBD to Treat Menstrual Cramps”

How Does CBD for PMS Work?

Most women experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS at least a few times throughout the period of their lives when they are menstruating. For many, these symptoms are mild and little more than a minor annoyance. Other women deal with PMS symptoms on a monthly basis and these symptoms are severe enough to affectContinueContinue reading “How Does CBD for PMS Work?”